

This is the blog for professional photographers, and those who aspire to be. Our aim is to help professional photographers build long-term, sustainable careers.
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SEARCH RESULTS FOR: Personal Photographer

Nathan Walker Photography, Canada (@nathanw_photo) Nathan Walker Photography, Canada (@nathanw_photo) There's a huge amount of power in Workspace. We know, we use it all, and we love it! Queensberry’s website is built on Workspace. We blog in Workspace. We sell in Workspace. And we design albums in Workspace, and Photojunction — half the albums we make, in fact, all part of our free album design service. But not everyone wants to use our software to design Flushmount albums and Q-Books … not when they're already up To View More >>

This entry was posted in by Melissa Dangerfield | Leave a Comment

This post on Cam Grove’s Instagram made our day, and we so agree that first impressions are lasting impressions. I once read an article in PDN about photographer's studios, and this one photographer was explaining how he had dropped thousands of dollars on buying this particular handle for his front door. He reasoned that the first physical contact that prospective clients had with him and his business was when they opened the door to his studio. He wanted that initial touch to immediately convey all the things intrinsic to his business; strength, substance, craftsmanship... To View More >>

This entry was posted in Your Stories by Queensberry Website | Leave a Comment

The strap-line on Lancashire (UK) photographer Ian MacMichael’s website is “Stories Without Words”, which says it all. He can’t imagine his life without photography, although it wasn't until 2007 that he “finally had the confidence” to turn professional. But after nine years he’s clear about what he wants to capture in his photography, and his advice to newcomers. His advice to the 16-18 year-old photography students he teaches for a few hours a week is simple. Be yourself and don’t copy. Shoot what you want in a way that excites and inspires To View More >>

This entry was posted in by Alexandria Baugh | Leave a Comment

After more than fifteen years in the business, UK photographer Simon Whitten of Firehorse Photography & Filming has covered more than 600 weddings on four continents. He's has been a friend of Queensberry for much of his career. Simon is strong-minded character who believes that the key to success is to find your own way and stand out from the crowd. "Don't follow the latest fads or fashions," he says, "or you will only ever be a follower, and always late to the party." We asked him a few questions about how that's reflected in his life and work… Simon's first To View More >>

This entry was posted in by Alexandria Baugh | Leave a Comment

At Izo Photography, outsourcing frees up time to do the things they love. Photography is a form of self expression, and that's why Jimmy from Izo Photography fell in love with it. After picking up his partner Shona's old DSLR camera, and discovering it was for him, he began to pursue a career in professional photography, which he absolutely loves.   After "practice, practice and more practice", Jimmy's advice to photographers is to outsource work from as early on as possible. When Izo first started out they did everything themselves, but they soon To View More >>

This entry was posted in by Alexandria Baugh | Leave a Comment